Thursday 31 July 2014

blue ducks

Blue duck is native to New Zealand and can ONLY be found in New Zealand.   They are a type of bird whose Maori name is whio, because the male makes a sound like ‘feee-o’.      They get their name from their grey/blue feathers which camouflage them against the rocks in rivers.

They are a dark slate grey and their beaks are a pinkish white. They have long wings. The chicks have short wings. They are yellow and black.

Blue ducks eat insects, worms and trout. They also eat fruit and alpine plants

Blue ducks live in clean fast-flowing rivers and nest in hollow logs,small caves which are rocky, and other sheltered spots. They live in central parts of the North Island the the west coast of the South Island and they rely on fast flowing rivers so they can’t be taken to predator-free islands.The blue duck’s habitat has been seriously affected by pollution and the hydro-power dams for watering paddocks and crops.   But the biggest threat to the blue duck is predators.  

Did you know blue ducks predators are only stoats , rats ,cats , dogs and possums.
Possums carry diseases but all the other predators just kill them.

The blue duck is on our NZ ten dollar note thats why the note is blue and that’s why the blue duck is so special to NZ.

Monday 28 July 2014

climbing wall in invercargill

‘Ahh I’m finally down.  It wasn’t actually that bad after all’ I silently said to myself…    It all started on the second day of camp when we went to the climbing walls.

 I was so excited to go on the climbing walls but first I had to play squash, (but I’ll skip that.)

 The first climbing wall I tried was the big green steps or poles.  I only got halfway up when I had to go back down.  The steps were too tall for me (because I’m short you know).  So I jumped down and went to the next climbing wall that was the apartment building.  It had all different colours over it in squares.  At the top there were black squares and you couldn’t grab them because they were too thin to cling on to.  I didn’t get up to them.  I only got halfway up because the squares were too greasy and slippery.  So I hopped down and went to the next one.  In the end I completed four.

 ‘Ahh I’m finally down.  It wasn’t that bad after all’ I silently said to myself.

living taonga

Last term Room 4 was studying living taonga so we had to make a life cycle of a tuatara I hope you enjoy it!

Thursday 24 July 2014

inference clues

This is a few clues about me guess what they are!

my first post

Today is my first day blogging I hope you enjoy it as much as you can. This is a thing only the year 4's can do because every one else hasn't been blogging as long as us. I hope you enjoy my work.